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How To Create A Man Cave Your Neighbours Will Appreciate

In a city like Brighton & Hove, garden sizes vary enormously, with small ones for those in the densely-populated inner city areas and larger ones in the suburbs. But whether you have a little space or a lot, a customised garden room may be an appealing way of making use of what you have.

Among the most popular options could be a man cave, which might be a very exciting addition ahead of next summer when the Euro 2024 football championships are on, making it a good place to go with friends and a few drinks as an alternative to the pub.

If that means getting some of the neighbours around, your street could be a very happy one (as long as England win). But not everyone manages to establish a man cave without antagonising others.

A prime example of this was that of David Wildin, a millionaire accountant from Gloucestershire who built an oversized man cave in 2014 measuring 10,000 sq ft and featuring his own bowling alley, casino and cinema.

Not only did the size annoy neighbours, but it was built without planning permission and Mr Wildin has fought several court battles over his refusal to dismantle it, even going to prison for six weeks.

He has now faced a final legal defeat over his attempts to park up to 13 vehicles on the street, which has prevented local bin collections. A judge has imposed an injunction that means he can now park no more than two.

Clearly, this was an extreme instance of bad neighbourliness. Still, it is important to note issues such as permitted development rights that limit the size of any backyard development before planning permission is required, as well as any other possible concerns such as restrictions imposed on a conservation area or land within the South Downs National Park.

By adhering to these, you can avoid legal problems and ensure you get a new man cave that does not stick out like a sore thumb and that you stay on good terms with the neighbours.


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